The Cake


So if you know me, you probably know I’m saving myself for marriage. It’s an underlying fact, though not often spoken aloud. And I mean come on, I have by no means been the purest of the pure in this journey called life but when Christ came and changed my whole life I knew the cookies were staying in the jar until my husband could devour them.

Anywho, that analogy and explanation are totally besides the point. I want to tell you about the cake I’ve been thinking about. Sometimes before I go to bed I think of the future. I think of how one day I could possibly have a ring on my finger and be submitting to a husband I love daily. Of course that is when “the cake” I’ve been talking about can be devoured. Let’s say that cake is sex. It looks so good. It’s my favorite flavor. Moist devil’s food(hehe, get it?) chocolate cake with rich chocolate icing almost the consistency of chocolate mousse. That is MOUTH-WATERING to me. It’s seems as if it would be soooo good right now. BUT what if I just dove in? I would probably eat the whole cake and just get sick and the pain will last far longer than I expected it to and I would NEVER forget how sick that cake made me. But what if I was told to sit at a table by God and He placed the cake in a beautiful glass dish right in the middle. Then what? And what if He says, “be patient, not only will you get to eat that cake one day but I plan on sending someone you could share it with. That way the both of you will be able to share the cake, get your fill and be satisfied. I own that cake and I am going to give it to you in due time.”

So I sit at the table and just stare at the cake. Sometimes I crave it. Sometimes I think of the One who owns it and is giving it to me one day and find myself pleasantly at peace. I also know that one day the  empty chair next to me will be filled with the companion I get to share the cake with. We will look across the table to the One who coordinated the meeting. He’s our Daily Bread alright, and He will be providing the “cake” too.

Maybe this whole scenario is a little confusing. Maybe it sounded much better inside of my own skull. But I said all of that to say that the “cake” is worth waiting for. Marriage and God’s gift of sex within its bounds is worth waiting for. I get to share that cake with someone special someday but it won’t be the tastiest thing that has hit my tongue analogy wise. If we’re talking about desserts, the sweetest taste was finally knowing the goodness and grace of someone who will always love me infinitely more than the person I get to share that cake with one day. I didn’t actually taste the blood but I know that when it was shed it did something for me that another man can never do. It showed me a perfect love that can never be replaced and frankly, it saved my life.