Congratulations to Alabama Gays (and a note to the church about how we should—and shouldn’t—respond in light of current events)

The Gospel Speaks

No, I’m really not being cynical or sarcastic when I say “congratulations to Alabama gays.” But let me clarify what I am saying lest I be misinterpreted. I am saying congratulations that you can now enjoy the benefits of civil union, recognized as a couple by the government of the United States of America. I am saying congratulations that you can now enjoy the many tax benefits, estate planning benefits, government, employee, medical, and death benefits offered by the government that the rest of us married folk have been able to enjoy for some time now. I truly am glad that America has ceased in this regard from their bigotry and hypocrisy in espousing “freedom” (assuming their definition of freedom) and equal opportunity for all, and yet have only now made this available to you. Anyone who takes an honest look at what America calls freedom can only conclude that…

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